
I am Manon, a social choice theorist — an applied mathematician that models decision-making with probability and statistics — and aspiring philosopher. I model multi-agent mechanisms designed to promote expertise and/or the robust representation of a plurality of perspectives in groups of humans, LLMs, recommender systems and democratic institutions.

I graduated from MIT in 2023 with a PhD in Social and Engineering Systems and Statistics. My thesis provided mathematical models of and philosophical reflections on the interplay between Diversity and Expertise in Representative Governance. Concurrently, I was a Democracy Doctoral Fellow in political philosophy at the Harvard Kennedy School's Ash Center for Democratic Innovations, before leading the research portfolio in AI and Democracy for the Harvard Law School's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society.

I am currenlty a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Fundamental AI Research Lab (FAIR) at Meta and a research affiliate at the Harvard Law School's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society.

I worked at Palantir, the Responsible AI Institute, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Bell Labs.



* for first author contribution when author ordering is alphabetical

SEAL: Systematic Error Analysis for Value Alignment [Code]

Manon Revel, Matteo Cargnelutti, Tyna Eloundou, Greg Leppert

AAAI'25: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (forthcoming, 2025)

Tracking Truth with Liquid Democracy [Code]

Adam Berinsky, Daniel Halpern, Joe Halpern, Ali Jadbabaie, Elchanan Mossel, Ariel Procaccia, Manon Revel*

Management Science (forthcoming, 2025)

Toward Democracy Levels for AI

Aviv Ovadya, Luke Thorburn, Kyle Redman, Flynn Devine, Smitha Milli, Manon Revel, Andrew Konya, Atoosa Kasirzadeh

NeurIPS Pleuralistic Alignment Workshop (2024)

Mapping the Space of Social Media Regulation

Nathaniel Lubin, Kalie Mayberry, Dylan Moses, Manon Revel*, Luke Thorburn, Andrew West

MIT Science Policy Review (2024)

Can We Talk? An Argument for More Dialogues in Academia

Manon Revel

Ash Center Essay Series (2024)

Enabling the Digital Democratic Revival: A Research Program for Digital Democracy

Davide Grossi, Ulrike Hahn, Michael Mäs, Andreas Nitsche, ... (2024)

Selecting Representative Bodies: An Axiomatic View

Manon Revel, Niclas Boehmer, Rachael Colley, Markus Brill, Piotr Faliszewski, Edith Elkind

AAMAS '24: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (2024)

How to Open Representative Democracy to the Future?

Manon Revel

European Journal of Risk Regulation 14 (4), 674-685 (2023)

In Defense of Liquid Democracy

Daniel Halpern, Joe Halpern, Ali Jadbabaie, Elchanan Mossel, Ariel Procaccia, Manon Revel*

EC'23: Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2023)

Liquid Democracy in Practice: An Empirical Analysis of its Epistemic Performance

Manon Revel, Daniel Halpern, Adam Berinsky, Ali Jadbabaie

EAAMO'22: Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (2022)

How Many Representatives Do We Need? The Optimal Size of a Congress Voting on Binary Issues

Manon Revel, Tao Lin, Daniel Halpern

AAAI'22: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2022)

Online Discussions about Tinnitus: What Can We Learn from Natural Language Processing of Reddit Posts?

Vinaya Manchaiah, Alain Londero, Aniruddha K Deshpande, Manon Revel, Guillaume Palacios, Ryan L Boyd, Pierre Ratinaud

American Journal of Audiology 31 (3S), 993-1002 (2022)

Native Advertising and the Credibility of Online Publishers

Manon Revel, Amir Tohidi, Dean Eckles, Adam J Berinsky, Ali Jadbabaie (2021)

Research Projects

Value Alignment in AI: Resistance in RLHF

Innovating with Representative Democracy

Liquid Democracy: Selecting Experts Democratically

Congress: The Optimal Number of Representatives

Selecting Representatives: An Axiomatic Approach

Mapping the Space of Social Media Regulation

Native Ads and the Credibility of Online Publishers

Varieties of Resonance: Citizens' Interpretations of Media Output in France

Improving Care with Social Media: the Case of Tinnitus

Alternative Realities in Troubled Democracies


University of Notre Dame
Deliberative Technologies for Democracy and Peace-building

Created a curriculum for the University of Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies; covered political philosophy about democratic representation, mathematical theories of representation and algorithms for deliberation

MIT Media Lab
Decentralized Society, Cooperation and Plurality

Co-designed and taught Decentralized Society, Cooperation and Plurality seminar at MIT during IAP 2024

MIT Sloan
15.060 Data, Models, and Decisions

Co-assisted Professor Gamarnik in teaching an introductory class about probability, statistics and optimization for the MIT Sloan Fellows MBAs

Probability, Statistics, and Linear Algebra

Created and teach a 15-hour seminar in algebra, probability, statistics, and data science for the MIT Technology and Policy Masters Students

Research Media

Power and AI (Entretiens de Royaumont)

Tech-enhanced Citizen Assemblies (CCC MIT)

Democracy & Technology (Harvard)

CS Theory Seminar (Brown University)

The Institutional Design Problem (MIT)

Liquid Democracy (Projet Tournesol)

Plurality Research (U.C. Berkeley)

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Modeling Talk Series (Alphabet Google X)

Liquid Democracy (ComSOC Seminar)

Data and Models for Democracy (Datascientest)

Futures of Democracy (Debating Europe)

Mathematics & Democracy (CentraleSupelec, in French)

Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology

Information Wars (WiDS Conference)


I love playing basketball, running and windsurfing. The basketball community brought me more than I could tell, and I wanted to give back launching the BeeGames association in 2015 to foster cross-functional collaboration between companies, universities, and basketball professionals. Recruiters, former professional athletes and students met on court, in the adversity of a basketball game.

I also love cultivating my journalistic fibers. Before contributing to the scientific programming and moderation for the Entretiens de Royaumont, I conducted local reportages on books fairs, fireworks, concerts, and hosted the 2012 Olympics chronicle for the local radio Soleil de Ré. As I moved to the other side of the Atlantic, I told stories about my discovery of the U.S. through my show Terre Américaine. I also launched The Fool on the Hill, the newspaper of the emblematic French high school Lycée Henri IV and interviewed scientists and politicians in partnership with webradio Radio Parenthèse.